I miss blogging! I have so many post back logs. Been busy taking care of Miggy, that's why. And I'm loving it! True, it can get tiring and I almost lose my cool sometimes due to his tantrums -- yes, he already makes "marakulyo", as Nanay calls it, at his very young age. But despite the tiring days and sleepless nights, I just love being a mommy! I particularly like watching him sleep. He makes faces while he's sleeping, so cute! And I also love holding him in my arms, it feels so poignant, I'm like,
I must have done something good to deserve this little angel.
He's growing so fast, too! At one month, he weighs 4 kilos. Here's a recent photo of him in his bouncer:
Thanks for my gift, Daddy! |
Will be posting more about Miggy soon...