Yup, Miggy and I are all set for "D" day! Delivery day, that is.
All our bags are packed, we're ready to go...
Miggy's bag (blue), my bag (black), clearbook of all maternity & baby-related docs,
baby book and sanitary kit |
Miggy's bag contains a baby head pillow, the clothes he'll wear after delivery (I put these in a zip lock plastic bag), extra/changing clothes including receiving blankets, additional binders, mittens, booties, bonnets and wash cloth (I put these in a separate zippered plastic bag as well) and newborn diapers -- we didn't buy many as we still don't know which brand will be "hiyang" for Miggy. We just bought two small packs - one pack each of Huggies and EQ Dry. We wanted to try Pampers but unfortunately, the stores/groceries in our area didn't have stocks, the smallest size they have is small, which is still large for a newborn.
Contents of Miggy's bag |
Aside from our clothes and sanitary kit, I also packed all maternity & baby-related documents and placed them in a clearbook (got the idea from
legendarymommy.com). It contains my pregnancy book, check up notes, prescriptions, ultrasound results/reports, medical certificates and other important documents such as PhilHealth MDR, SSS MAT-1, our marriage certificate, etc.
Clearbook of docs plus Miggy's baby book |
Miggy's ultrasound reports |
Our marriage certificate |
I also put a photo of Miggy in one of the clearbook pages
so I can take a look at it while I'm in labor, for inspiration/strength. Hehe :) |
And of course, how can I forget my Sto.
Niňo and rosary. I've had my Sto.
Niňo since 1996, it was a gift from Naynay. I always bring it with me every time I travel. The rosary (blessed by the Pope) was given to me by my brother, Bong.
So there, we're all set. We're just patiently waiting for labor to kick in and off we'll go to the hospital. The hospital I'll give birth in is just a stone's throw away from our house, as in we could just walk (think Times Plaza to Manila Doctor's) to get there. :)
But I think we won't be waiting too long. We had a check-up yesterday and based on the IE, my cervix has dilated to 1 cm already. 9 more cms to go! I haven't felt any contractions yet so I was cleared by my ob-gyne to go home and relax, do some more walking (but just inside the house, no mall trips, don't use public toilets to avoid infection). If I won't go into labor today, I'll see her tomorrow for another IE to see how the dilation is progressing. I need to give birth not later than Saturday (February 12) because the longer the cervix remains open, the more susceptible it is (and the baby, of course) to infection.
I'm still half excited, half nervous... We're just continuing to pray for a safe delivery.