On February 12, 2011, at exactly 10PM, I gave birth to our little bundle of joy, Joaquin Miguel... Or Miggy, as we fondly call him. :)
11 hours of induced labor. Inexplicable pain. Indescribable joy.
Miggy weighed 2.75 kilos at birth and was 52 cms. long. We were not able to take him home with us right away because he was diagnosed with a blood infection, or what is also called ‘sepsis’. He had a very poor suck and when he was fed through a dropper, he vomited every milk intake. A stridor was also initially observed. Thank God, it was ruled out after a laryngeal endoscopy was conducted. He still spent almost two weeks at the hospital’s nursery care unit, for his blood infection medication.
Thank God, he is well now. He seems to be growing so fast, actually. He is such a lively and cheerful boy.
We thank God for giving us this little angel, who never fails to brighten up our days.
We also thank our family, relatives and friends for all the prayers and well wishes.
Welcome to the world, Miggy! We love you so much. :)